Missed your goal again? Define and achieve your big goals with Focus.

Experts agree if you write your goals down your likelihood of achieving them goes up. Share them with another person and it goes up even more. Get connected with people who are on the journey and the sky is the limit!
We help smart people achieve their goals.
Share and succeed
Connect to experts, advisors, project managers and peers.
No more struggling on your own. Simply share goals with the people that help you succeed. Goals can be shared with multiple people with updates and advice displayed in real-time.
  • Want to launch a new business? Connect to a business advisor.
  • Struggling to stick to your fitness plan? Connect with a friend and stay accountable.
  • Launching a new project? Connect with your project manager.
Join the focused community
Achieve success with peer-to-peer support.
They say you become the people you surround yourself with. Inside the Focus community you are surrounded by entrepreneurs, advisors and peers who are all on course to achieve great things. Grow your network, enrol in training, connect with experts and learn from others. The Focus community connects to the people you need to achieve your goals.
    See how Focus works to help reclaim your goals.
    Identify your goals
    Remove the feeling of overwhelm by creating a card for every goal you want to achieve.
    Focus eliminates anxious feelings by creating a private space to display everything you want to achieve. Lose 5kg, launch a new business or send a rocketship to the moon. It doesn't matter how big or small your goal is, by using Focus you make achieving your goal one step closer.
      Keep goals moving forwards
      Feel great as Focus prioritizes the goals that need your input.
      Checking in on your goals regularly is the key to success. We don’t use annoying alerts to harass you into looking at them. We simply fade into view the goals that haven’t been updated for a while. Once you’ve taken the time to update your progress your goal will fade away.
        See how Duncan uses Focus to achieve his big goals in life and business
        See whats on track, and what's not
        Focus traffic lights make monitoring progress easy.
        There will be ups and downs throughout your journey towards achieving your goals. Our simple red, amber and green system helps you identify at a glance which goals need a little extra attention and which ones are tracking smoothly.
          Attach the important things
          Say goodbye to searching your inbox for lost attachments.
          Focus is perfect for storing those important documents, pictures and weblinks. Never again will you have to search your inbox or storage drive to track down the attachments you need to achieve your goals. With Focus you simply drag-and-drop attachments onto your goal for easy access.
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